Thursday, February 12, 2009

I Considered It...

As I lay there in the early dark of the morning... listening to the wind howl past our stone house... listening  to hear if the recycle bin was spewing it's contents across the backyard...  listening for the sound of the porch chairs... listening as the wind continues on it's way across the country...

I wondered... "If I throw open all the windows and doors would the wind blow all the dust right out of the house?"

And then I giggled - and went back to sleep...


kayselr said...

ya think that would work with cat hair ? ...oh and the cat?

Lori in South Dakota said...

YOUR dust would leave, but then the neighbor's dust would blow in to replace it! And if you only open windows on the one side of the house, it just doesn't suck the dust OUT! Rats!