Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Strike Three...

I have been bit 3 times this past week by a black ant - this means war...

One bit me on a finger as I reached in to unlock the shed door... another bit me as I was cutting one of the peonies - little twit didn't want to give up his flower - came running up the flower stalk flailing his arms at me and then he bit.  The third and hopefully last bit me Monday as I was trimming back some errant weeds hiding in a shrub... that twit bit me on my waist.  Needless to say I was doing a silly little dance in the middle of the yard while I hightailed it inside to strip off my shirt and make sure no other ants were planning their attacks.

I don't seem to have any residual effects of the bite after the initial ouch wears off... but enough is enough!  That ant killer stuff is getting spread around this week...

1 comment:

MH said...

don't feel bad I was sitting on the toilet, mid stream I got attacked by a hornet . Thank goodness when I got Jumpped up with fright up my steam shut down ! LOL ! I killed the sucker !