Sunday, June 14, 2009

Stash Report #24 - 7/8ths and 20

The 7/8ths was a pretty little piece from the sale table this week... it is a nice bright print destined for the strips bin.

The 20 yards are PVC pipe (glad I don't have to report them).  They are for a watering system for the grow boxes that The Engineer and I built this weekend - pictures later this week...  if it ever stops raining around here so I can use them.

I think I will head off to see the Dr. tomorrow about my back ribs... I'm not healing as fast as I'd like - maybe a trip or two to Physical Therapy for some ultrasound treatments will help get things on the mend quicker.

Sitting and sewing would certainly be easier on my poor body... just need to finish getting these flowers planted... oh and a couple 'yards' of mulch flung around this week as well. 

Good thing a bag of quick concrete mix is too heavy for me to haul around... I might just be tempted to scatter that around the yard and water it in!

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