Eight yards followed me home from the quilt shop - I hope that doesn't happen every week... This part time employment at the shop is for about 2 months so the owner can catch up with her quilting end of the business and then will be as she needs me in the future - but geesh... If I'm heading home with 8 yards every week I'm going to be in trouble! LOL
But it was eight yards of pretty hydrangea fabric... it was on sale and it's not all for me. I'll use what I need for the backing of this... BQ2 by Maple Island Quilts.
And my SIL has some hydrangea FQ's we picked out several years ago... so we will use some for that project too.
I still haven't updated my spreadsheet... hopefully Judy L won't notice! LOL
Something Cool: Have you seen this? I found it in a magazine and the shop owner ordered some for the quilt shop. It's a very nifty item. You can practice free motion quilting designs without wasting paper... comes in different sizes - 8.5" x 11" is the largest and that's what I got... use the little magnetic pen - doodle and then smooth it back out with your hand and doodle again. Very clever!
The Miracle Doodler is from the Miracle Chalk people...
And the ?: I know someplace in the wonderful Virtual Quilting Blog0sphere I've seen a post about layering/pinning a quilt using 2 long boards and rolling the quilt and backing up on them... but I didn't bookmark it and I want to refresh my memory so I can try it out... Anyone? Anyone know what I'm referring to? Thanks in advance for your help on this!
Hope Y'all all have a Wonderful Mothers Day!
**layering/pinning a quilt using 2 long boards**
Sharon Schamber?
I agree... I just saw it the other day. Sharon Schamber... either youtube or on her website!
Well thanks for the link to the "Magic Doodler" - interesting...... I want to feel confident in my machine quilting. still scares me silly....so, I have saved that link. Thanks!! Ahh, so, how much trouble can "8 yrds of fabric every week" really be?? lol!! But if it's 'good' trouble, you'll be fine!!
Here's to great sewing and keep busting - or creating!! that stash!!!
Aaaah Yes that's the person! I first went to her web site and watched the video there... but it wasn't the one I remembered - same sorta technique but not exactly as I remembered. So I went to YouTube and the one there is the one I must have seen.
Thanks everyone!
Sounds like you're gonna be busy!
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