Oh my… the end of the month… I’ll need to pull out “Knit the Sky” and get the month stitched up… I knitted thru the 11th thus far.
Today I finished up the Triplicity Shawl and it and the Morning Bells Shawl have been washed and are blocked and drying.
Above shows the three pattern sections prior to washing/blocking and below is the picot bind off. I just gently smoothed everything out and choose to not try and pin all those picot ends out.
I finished the modified Susie Rogers Reading Mitts for my granddaughter. They are some kinda sweet! They will go in the mail tomorrow or Monday.
I decided to try and clean up some of this knitting mess around my chair this week. Leftover yarns that I’ve finished with went upstairs and I purchased a package of sheet protectors to put all those silly patterns I’ve printed out from Ravelry. I had planned to put them all in a binder… but I’ll need to either buy a bigger binder or a second binder because they are not all going to fit into the one I have out.
I am trying to decide what to work on next… I do have yarn already to make another Turbulence Cowl or I am interested in using some leftover yarn from the Morning Bells project to make this Elis Cowl which has an Indian-Cross-Stitch pattern in it. Or I could pick up those socks sitting over there waiting for me.
Decisions… Decisions… Decisions…