Monday, January 21, 2013

Last Year…

This morning I looked back at January of 2012 – I had forgotten that I had headed to Texas mid-month… and didn’t return until March.

I was reminded in looking back of a resolution I had made last year – to not talk on the phone while driving nor talk to others who are driving.  I’ve done pretty well with that and will continue to make this a habit that sticks.

I’m glad I looked back – I’ve been finding it hard to motivate myself to get up early and get to the gym… and I’ve been beating myself up mentally because I didn’t remember having this problem last year.  Well - that would be because I wasn’t going to the gym last year at this time… see – I’m not a terrible slacker!

My daughter in SC gets her household goods delivered this week… I know she’s excited about that.  They closed on the new house last week and have pretty much been ‘camping out’ in an empty house.  She said they were going to make a big sleeping pallet up each night in a different room and all sleep together… give them all a chance to settle in and get use to all the rooms together – then when beds arrive they will all go sleep in their own rooms… hopefully… LOL

I need to finish sorting thru my paperwork so I can give The Engineer the receipts he needs for his Tax appointment in early February.  I need to make a greater effort to give him this stuff through out the year rather than holding on to it… it’s not like I need it for anything myself!

1 comment:

Lori said...

My DH is bugging me for "my" bank statements. I really think he is just curious what I spend my money on!! ROFL!!