Monday, May 13, 2013

Thoughts on Twitter & Indoor Composting…

Early last week I was pondering what I believe to be the silliness of Twittering or Tweeting.  I was even working on a post that day listing all the truly earth shattering thoughts and events in my day… you know like…

  • Good God it’s 4:20 AM already?
  • Oatmeal anyone?
  • I need to turn off the news and get busy…
  • I need to turn off the computer and get busy…
  • I need to get off my hiney and get busy…
  • Who didn’t run the dishwasher yesterday? Oh that would be my bad…
  • Why does the dog get to sleep all day?
  • Kitchen & dining room mopped and dishwasher running for the second time.
  • Laundry - I’m adopting a 2 load limit per day… enough on that sad subject!
  • I can hear the garden calling me… but my sore muscles are drowning it out!
  • If I were a princess then I would not have to go shopping for groceries… “we need fruit? Send the gardener out for fruit… Cream for my tea?  Where is that milkmaid?”

Yeah… so I had cleaned my way upstairs and was ready to tackle the bathroom and then shower my stinky self so I could go run errands… until the phone rang…

It was the hospital… my MIL had had an accident…

The good news is that she wasn’t seriously hurt and nobody else was involved.  But she did spend the better part of the week in the hospital and is now in rehab.

So my week was a blur of trips to the hospital, trips to her house to pick up the newspaper and again later to pick up the mail and back to the hospital… I think we ate dinner at the hospital 3 nights, I had cookies for dinner one night at 9:30 pm (I know not my best decision) and lunches were a mix of fruit and almonds if I had lunch.

OK so now you are wondering about the “Indoor Composting” thing…


That is what I call laundry when it gets out of control… and this does not show the towels that have already been washed, a load of darks pants or the load of whites that are running.  I was already behind on laundry so this week of running around only made that worse… indoor composting level laundry.

Since I haven’t been cooking… I’m not sure if anything has died in my refrigerator… I suppose I should check that out today too…

So I need to get off my hiney and get busy…

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