Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Resistance is not futile...

All of you who may be fans of several of the various Star Trek shows know that "Resistance is Futile" is the pat response from any Borg within conversation distance.

But this post is not about them...

It is about this...

You see those grey platinum blond hairs there at my temple? They also have quite a few friends...

I'm guessing they didn't read the instruction sheet that told me to add 10 minutes to my beauty treatment to help them blend in and 'assimilate with the collective' which is my hair.

I'm not all that twirly about the grey platinum blond hairs that have sprouted on my noggin. I only use one of those 'washes out in 28 shampoos' kinda color treatments and do those very haphazardly. I bought one last summer and another one this past month and only recently used the one from last summer.

I haven't yet looked for someone I trust I'll let to cut my hair. So it's growing out and looks scraggly and desperately needs to be cut. So I thought the color would help a little...

I asked my husband today what he thought of my hair - thinking maybe he'd noticed the color. "You need a hair cut" he says with one of those 'gee I hate to give you bad news' kinda faces.

I guess I'll start shopping for a stylist someone to cut my hair...

I'm sure the grey platinum blond hairs are sprouting big time while we wait to hear about the house...

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